Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I can say butterfly in four languages

My Pet Peeves
(In no particular order, numbered randomly by my random mind)

1. Men in general
3. People who don’t use their turn signals
5. People who stay in the store after closing
10. Extremely thin people who insist they are fat.
12. People touching the back of my arms
17. HAIR! Mostly in the shower
22. Picking a seat in Church
28. Pant legs under the tongue of my shoe
37. When people make gross noises with the back of their throats
46. Men who think they are “all that and a bag of Doritos.”

Disclaimer: The previous statement concerning men is not a statement that can be spread over the entire male species. There are many men that I know that do not come near the “pet peeve” category of my life.

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