Sunday, September 18, 2005

I will call this: “Very long post meant mostly to mentally exercise my power of recall.

The rest of last week went well. I did a lot, and I must have done a lot of nothing because I have too much to do right now. There is boy voice in our house right now, and I think it is Jeff. He is getting ready for their houses fundraiser for the Katrina storm victims. It is an awesome idea.
Anyway…Wednesday was awesome cause there was a great rain storm that I got to run in. Then I went to a campaign celebration for John who is the new rep at large. It was hilarious.
Thursday was slow and good. I got a lot done, but not during the morning. Thursday morning I was busy trying to dig up a 15 passenger van for a road trip that my friends and I want to take over fall break, but I can’t seem to find one. If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it. Thursday night our house had Ellie and Charles (a couple who have adopted our house) over for dinner. Rachel P. made Indian food. It was so good, but I had an upset stomach from the spices the rest of the evening. I also had musical practice after dinner. First blocking practices are always uncomfortable and bad, but it went better than I had first expected.
Friday was the most beautiful day. It was the perfect day to sit outside which I did for a while. Friday afternoon I went running, then watched “hitch hiker’s guide to the galaxy.” I liked it. It was weird, but in a good way. The only thing I didn’t like was when the whale that I liked died. I grew attached for the few minutes it was on the screen, and then Poof it was gone! (grrrrrr) After that movie I went upstairs and played the recorder, listened to music, talked, and ________ with Rachel W. and Angie. It was great. Angie has this awesome pink stocking hat with fur and cat ears. I want one. We decided to go get a movie, and I road to quick flick standing out of the sunroof of Rachel’s car. It was fun. We watched “the others.” And then I think I went to bed. I am not sure. (this does not mean that I was drunk or anything, I just honestly can’t remember)
Saturday. I got up at 5:30. Went to breakfast in Galva as a surprise for Becca P. Then I went back to bed. I had a second morning in which I felt much more like a person, and we went to work at the craft fair. I hung out with my parents for a while, worked on homework, ate dinner with some boys and girls at my house, went for an awesome motorcycle ride (thanks Roman!), set up for a surprise party for Becca, had a surprise party for becca, watched cowboys with The Duke, fought with The Foot, then went and watched Hotel Rawanda with John and Roman. After watching that movie I didn’t want to sleep, I wanted to think about it. I kept thinking, “What am I doing just sitting over here in my comfortable little town?” It makes you think, it forces you to consider the rest of the world. I am glad I saw it even though I watched it just because I didn’t want to see it. (make sense out of that one if you can) 2:45 went to bed
Sunday: Got up, went to church, came back, ate with The Foot, did homework, took a nap (bad me), posted on my blog (bad me). Going to do homework, going to lead a study session, going to practice, going to run, going to bed (hopefully reasonably early to satisfy my body on Monday.)


Mrs. Buller said...

before you went to sleep on friday you watched some ultimate frisbee.

"A work in progress," said...

Thanks Roose, Thanks.