Sunday, September 04, 2005

No Life Without Wife

My first week is done and I feel, um…fine. Yah, fine is a good word. The week went off with only a small advising hitch. I switched into a history class and got that all figured out. (Just as an in between thought. I care about my room mate’s brain cells). Sorry this is scattered. I am about to purchase a futon (I never knew that was spelled that way), and I am conversing with the girl whose truck I am going to use.
So last night we watched Tom and Huck. It was great! I was reminded of my earlier days and my shameless obsession with Jonathan Taylor Thomas. (it was sad folks, really sad, but admittance is the first step to cure). That movie is too intense to be a kids movie. It was pretty funny when one of my friends screamed in the middle of the cave scene.
After Tom and Huck we watched Bride and Prejudice. Jane Austin moans in her grave. I liked it, I don’t know why. The singing was good. The music was catchy (perhaps too catchy) The acting wasn’t bad. All in all it was a good interpretation for Bali wood. My favorite numbers were No Life Without Wife and Lead Us To Love. If you have never experienced a cheesy Indian film it is time to start now! It has inspired many of my friends to randomly break into song and bop around in a light hearted fool hardy manner. Good stuff.

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

bollywood, as done by hollywood, it doesn't get any better than that. i care about your brain cells too, but mine are my own to kill if i so desire:)