Saturday, July 08, 2006

A good fish story that has nothing to do with fish

So I know that I haven’t posted in forever and a day, but it has not been because didn’t want to. I have been pretty tired from work and friends. The summer is flying by. I have had two work experiences that stand out more than the others. I will share these with you in the most picturesque manner that I can afford on a Saturday afternoon.

We took the older kids camp to the state lake to go fishing. It was a beautiful day. It wasn’t too hot at all, and the kids were having a great time. I was teaching one of my 12 year old girl campers how to cast with an open reel fishing rod. It is more complicated with the button reel rod, and she was doing an excellent job. Suddenly about 3 yards to the right some kid yells SNAKE!! There was a small water snake (I don’t know what kind) in the rocks not far from us. The counselors told the kids not to provoke it, an order which was completely ignored, and they wound up scaring him into his hole. (An unknown location not far from us.) Not long after another kid at the next dock over yells something along the lines of ANOTHER SNAKE. They went to look at it and it was much LARGER than the first one. By this time I was just praying that I wouldn’t step on one that I didn’t see. Well eventually the snake business settled down. My camper asked me if I would like to cast and I said sure. About half way through my cast I realized that something was entirely wrong with how the cast was going. I wound up in the place that is past the point of no return. I threw the entire STINKING FISHINGPOLE INTO THE STATE LAKE!!! After doing this I saw no alternative than to swim out (in the snake infested waters) to get the pole. It was still floating and I didn’t want to try to get it with another pole just incase the movement would sink it. I took off my shoes, and fully dressed I waded out into the water. About 3 feet out I realized that there was a sharp drop off. Soon I found that my feet did not touch and I was literally gliding out into the water trying not to disturb our slithery friend from his restful slumber. I retrieved the fishing pole, climbed out of the lake, and tried to dry off. Later when we were having our recap of the day, my camper told me that it was her favorite part of the day.

Wow, that took a long time. Perhaps I will save the other story for another day. I will give you a teaser. “Once upon a time, I took three seven year old boys to the Zoo, and I will never look at the exhibits the same.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great story jen! i just wish i had been there to see you throw that pole in the water! don't wait too long to tell your zoo story. i can't wait to hear it!