Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lunch Lounge Lurker

Fact or Fiction?

Fact: There is a lunch lounge lurker at my school.
Fact: This lounge lurker has been lurking around the lounge, and stealing healthy items out of the lunches of other staff.
Fact: It is not the kindergarten teacher, because (quoted just today) "If I was going to do something bad like steal, I would do something really bad and steal food that was not healthy like cheese dip."

Fact: The word Igloo can be read "Ig-100." (pronounced ig-one-hundred.) by a third grade student.

Fact: In an elementary school this conversation can be heard.

fourth grader to a teacher - "When did you get bangs?"
teacher - "A few days ago."
fourth grader - "You bought them?"
teacher - "Bought them?"
fourth grader - "Yah, you bought your bangs?"

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