Monday, January 14, 2008

I live in the moment, I plan for the future

I haven't posted in Forever. It is because I am working on living in the moment and planning for the future. It seems like planning is taking most of my time. If I am planning at school, I am planning lessons, planning programs, and planning wedding stuff over my lunch break. After school, I work out which I consider planning for a healthy lifestyle, and then I come home, eat and do more wedding planning. The best times are the times that I can just sit around. Yes... Those are the good times right now.
I am trying to gather addresses of family and friends as of late. That and I cut out 200 little squares of paper about 3x5 inches yesterday. It took me a couple of hours plus the length of Oceans 11 to get them done. Hurray for making progress on the invitations.
In the end, my new philosophy for my wedding is, "Whatever Dude." adopted from Antique Mommy's philosophy on potty training. I know that in the end it will be wonderful, so why sweat the little stuff.

Time to start the day!

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