Monday, April 14, 2008

Fast and Slow

I have been engaged for three months and a two weeks.

Some of the time has gone fast. Correction the first two months went fast. Suddenly there is a lull in the time space continuum. It is as if time has ceased at three months and the next three will never happen.


I refuse to count down. Count downs are for new years and other frivolous holidays not weddings. I refuse to spend my days waiting for better/other/newer days. I don't want to wake up one morning and find that I have wished for each weekend or event so badly that I didn't take time to live during the "every day."

How am I going to accomplish living during the "every day"?

Well working world, How do you live during the "every day"?

1 comment:

Becky said...

hmmm...i'm not quite sure what video you meant. but i used the google video thingy to put all the videos on my blog. either that, or connected them directly from youtube.

i'm not quite sure if that is helpful or not. let me know if you have more questions.

the other night, the sky was beautiful. so i sat out on my deck and played guitar and sang. and REALLY missed you.

thanks for updating your blog and reading (i think) mine! i miss seeing you!