Wednesday, August 13, 2008

School Daze

You know that old song "School Days?"

Well, I don't either.

But I do know that I wouldn't have named it "School Days" I would have named it "School Daze." Because it does seem like the beginning of school is a daze.

I am using my shorter than short lunch break to type this (10 minutes to scarf down food, and 10 minutes to communicate with the 10 Internets out there who read this blog.)

So far I have had an excellent fifth grade beginning.
A par for the course second grade start.
A troubling third grade kick off.
And in kindergarten town little Susie Sunshine announced that,

"This is boring"

I wanted to say, "Duh, of course it is boring. We are learning how to make a circle because average child IQ has dropped an approximately 50 percent and you my dear are the only student in class whose parents both played with her which put you in the top 90 percent in class and did not teach her common manners."

Instead I said, "Why little Susie Sunshine, that is not a very kind thing to say, and we will move on to more fun things in just a moment." (in the happiest fake voice you ever did hear."

All in all not a bad day, especially since this year the kindergartners actually made a circle on their second try!


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