Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Self Help Town

Husband and I have lately felt as if the town that we live in holds nothing for us but three wonderful jobs which we enjoy emmensely. The problem is that we don't know anyone and therefore have nothing to do after work but put around the house.

This puttering has inspired us to examine our lives and how we are spending our free time. We have come up with some self improvement ideas.

First of all we are embarking on team "do not become a fat butt." This team consists of Husband and I eating right and trying to exercise 5 times a week. So far we are three of three nights a week. Pretty good eh? We are also giving up pop. Yes no more soda for me. This will be a challenge since the beginning of the school year is causing me to suck down Pepsi and DrPepper like it is the lifeblood of my soul.

Our second self improvement step is to learn Spanish. I took three years of spanish in High School and loved it. Senoria Gassie was una bien profesora. What we really want to get is the Rosetta Stone, but it costs a little less than rent for one month. So... We are not sure when or if we are going to get it. Right now we are using a program from the public library. The first conversation the Husband learned in spanish was this.
"Perdon Senorita, intiende engles?"
"No Senor, no intiende. habla espanol?"
"Hablo espanol un poco."
"Es usted norte americano?"

It was enthralling. Simply enthralling.

In other news... What else do I want to do with my life? It is the constent debate.

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