Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Snow, Snow, Snow, Snow, SNOW! (to the tune of the song in White Christmas)

I am getting kind of worried. I am getting to be more of a procrastinator than I ever have been before. The problem is that this semester is the one that I need to be on task more than ever before. This new blog habit is not helping either, but at least I can admit that it is part of the problem.
Tonight I went sledding for the first time. Honest to goodness. It was awesome!!!! We went out to Marion to where the hill slopes steeply down then up quickly to a road then slopes down the other side of the road. (It has a launching effect at the end if you can keep up your momentum) I didn’t expect to be scared the first time I went down. I was terrified, mostly because there were serious sledding injuries at my school last year. But, I overcame my fear, picked up my feet, and launched down a massive hill at the reservoir. I flew! I soared! I landed! I bit my tongue! The trek back up the hill was tiring, but it was all worth it. My next trip down was on an exercise mat with three or four other people. The mat spun out and I wound up hitting the bottom of the hill first and then flying through the air. I Flew! I Soared! I Landed! I Bit my Tongue! Then I played it safe for a while until some people showed up with a mad sledding disk. The disk was my favorite so far. I FLEW! I SOARED! I LANDED! I BIT MY TONGUE! All in all it was wonderful. Next time I go sledding with a jump at the end I will refrain from laughing and screaming all the way down for the sole goal of keeping my teeth together so I can Fly Soar Land and Not bite my tongue.

Song: Indescribable – Chris Tomlin

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