Saturday, February 05, 2005

So this is my life

Wow, life is a changing thing. I have had a bang up year. No fooling. I recently got back from a one month study in Europe. Well, most of the study was done in preparation to the class. I will never forget the fond memories that I have of each country. My favorite town/city state was Luxembourg. I went exploring with three of my friends in a garden that looked just like the garden from Ever After. It was a beautiful evening with the moon on the water. I kept thinking, “Prince charming is going to walk around the next bend in just a moment and sweep me off of my feet.” (There was no sweepage) oh well, I liked it anyway. The best thing that I did on my trip was buy a ticket to Les Miserables. It was amazing; the stage, the music, the talent. Wow, just wow.
So now I am back in the Burro. I was reluctant to come back, but now that I am here I am remembering how much fun this place is. Yes, I know that practicing and homework can be a drag, and yes, I know that Lynn is going to try to destroy me, but somehow all of that is ok just because I am here with my friends. Last night I sat in a room with about nine people for hours sometimes talking, laughing, or almost sleeping. It was a comfort that no matter how many times I have to define sonata form life will all be ok.
P.S. Mike did an awesome job on his play. It is the best I have ever seen him.
Well, I think I might go try to pass out playing (squeaking) the clarinet. Wish me luck, or at least extra lung capacity.

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