Sunday, April 17, 2005

different stuff

My life has become a different world and continues to change around me. I have just finished some important things in my classes and I am glad for that. Yet, my summer has been recently been occupying my mind. This summer I will be taking some classes via Hutchinson Community College as well as through ACCK. I am also going to work with PrairieView Kids camps this summer. I am excited to do something new (THAT IS NOT INVENTORY!!!) It will be a challenge, but it should be a good experience.
Speaking of good experiences, I had my first Bible Simulation at Tabor this evening. I didn’t think that it would be a good experience because I have some very stubborn vocal people in my class, but to my surprise I was able to filter the extra verbage and we had a good discussion.
If anyone is free next Saturday night and are in the area, I would encourage you to make the trek to Tabor to watch the play “The Drawer Boy” it should be an extremely good performance of three of my favorite people.
I know that this is random, but hey, so am I.
My sister recently got her first dog. It is a Lahssa Apsa (I know I didn’t spell that right) any way it is the cutest thing. It looks like an ewok with oversized eyes. She is a sweet little thing, and I am excited to get to know her more this summer.
An interesting fact about me to end the evening: Someday I would like to … perhaps… drive a car in a race. (there that is the most odd of my aspirations) Yes, sorry mom, someday I think it would be fun to be in a driver in an Indi car or perhaps even a Nas car. Something about the speed is attractive.

I am not currently listening to a song, I am but a meer observer of the people in the computer lab. People are interesting.


Anonymous said...

i also thought the simulation went well.


Anonymous said...

Auto racing, the Indy 500, the United States Grand Prix, the Brickyard 400, I can tell you are a chip off the old dad's block
