Thursday, April 21, 2005

Once upon a time...

Once there was a girl who spent her time in school. The girl had a good day and then decided to drink some coffee (at midnight) because she liked the taste. The lovely girl then decided to go to sleep. She tossed and turned, and not because there was a pea under her mattress, but because the lovely girl liked the taste of coffee. After some time the girl decided to consult the all powerful Medicine Cabinet - found far from her bed on the other side of the room - and it gave to her a special potion of Tylenol PM. This was an extremely rare potion found in the great and mighty land of Wal (Mart). The girl took this potion not understanding the spell that the all powerful Medicine Cabinet wished to cast over her. The girl slept the sound sleep of one whose alarm clock wakes them up in the morning, but alas the alarm was also under the spell of the all powerful Hillsboro power line and it too was in a deep sleep. The girl and the alarm slept until the alarm clock lover of the lovely girl’s alarm clock (Ahem, room mate’s alarm clock) woke the sleeping girl and clock. The joy at the awakening was les than impressive, for the alarm was an hour and a half too late for the girl to go to the ball of her favorite wand waving master (instrumental conducting). The girl stumbled out of bed determined to set things to right. She called the wand waving master who told her that indeed there were many spells afoot during the night for he had experienced technical difficulties with the wand waving ball band (a.k.a. The CD player.) and had not been able to begin the ball at all. The lovely girl sighed and knew that her world was again set to right.

Song: Though I feel Alone – 100 portraits Water Deep

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your creativity is just stunning.