Friday, July 22, 2005

Summer colds stink

So far my summer has gone off without a hitch, Until yesterday. I woke up with a tickle in my throat that turned into a sore throat, which was augmented by a headache, which was multiplied by a neck ache, which was supplemented by constant fuzziness and ringing in my ears. All of this would not have been so bad if my job was in a quiet office building licking stamps for some uppity up financial genius. Yet, alas instead I work with 10, 8-10 year old boys who have all been diagnosed seriously mentally and emotionally disturbed. I made it through the day without too many hitches and decided to CRASH when I got home.
Friday morning, I had off and planed to sleep as long as I could. 7am is not considered sleeping in in my book, but it is what my body had in mind. For some reason the not being able to breath through my nose hindered my sleeping process. Well since I was up, I decided to check out a garage sale with my dad, (ok here is the punch line for all of you homestar runner fans) It was more of a garbage (say it with a French accent) sale than a garage sale. I took home a glass cup for free, and that’s all. When we pulled into the driveway I commented that mom had left for work early because the van wasn’t in the driveway. I then realized that we, dad and I, were in the van that was pulling into the driveway. And then went back to bed. So…4 hr later I woke up and decided to post on my blog. That is the end of this story. From my fuzzy head to yours, and thank God for spell check,

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