Monday, July 18, 2005

An untitled response to life

I feel as if I am completely unfaithful to my sight, which I am. I even have these guilty feelings when I see the u r l on the scroll bar to the Internet. It begs for my attention, but I selfishly withhold all love. UNTILL NOW!
Wow. This has been such a good summer! It has had its ups and downs. One down is the 2 more weeks of General Biology that I need to finish through Hutch. It is easy but it is all so pointless….and boring…and annoying…and…science.
On to more fun things, today I cleaned out a bunch of 12 passenger vans at work. It was a joy getting down and dirty in those vans (that didn’t sound so good, but I am leaving it anyway) At least they might stay clean for a week or so. You never know what is going to happen on a trip that lasts longer than 5 min.
Last Sunday a missionary couple came to my church. They talked to me about going and teaching in Hungary, Romania, or Moldova after I graduate. It is intimidating, but I am actually thinking about it. I am ready for a change, and I am not sure what it is. Do you ever get that kind of restlessness feeling? Then again it could be senioritis setting in early.
In closing I am happy to say that I am enjoying my summer, but I am also getting antsy to get back to school. Yah, I am surprised to say so myself. I never want to do the work once I am there; I guess it is the people that I miss.
Well, as all great things come to an end… “I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” And “Frankly my deer, I don’t give a ahem.”

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