Sunday, June 05, 2005

Hey Hey Bo Bo!

What can I say? I am tired. Last night I went to Western Kansas for a wedding. It was beautiful. The drive up was great. 4 hr drive home that began at about 10:30 was not. All that I can say is if I ever forget the name of that one Continent that Sidney is the capital of I will forever renounce my claim on being a smart person.
It was a fun weekend full of weddings and friends. I learned that I miss my friends from school a lot over the summer. Being with them is like a different level of being at home. Interjection: (My mom just walked through the room with the laundry basket and a dog on top of the dirty clothes. To cute)
I am only kind of excited for next week’s training for PV. We have to do a high ropes course training, and I haven’t done that before. It will be an experience.
I also get to start blocking and scene running for The Sound of Music. That should be good. I am trying to learn lines, and make guesses at what the director is going to ask me to do. I can venture to say that I am going to miss the direction of Judy, but she would tell me to just wait and see what this Mark guy is like. Hopefully he is not expecting memorization right away.
Well, I am going to take a long winter’s nap.
Just remember that Yogi Bear’s side kick’s name is Boo Boo, not Bo Bo.
Have a Hey Hey Bo Bo day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what kind of idiot would think that yogi's sidekick was bo bo. geez.