Monday, August 29, 2005

Back at School

Well, here I am back at Tabor. It has taken me a while to post. Mostly because it took me a while to figure out that one of the internet cables was faulty, but now I am up and running.
So here is an update….I am a second semester senior this year majoring in music education. The most logical thing for me to do after college would be to teach music, but I don’t know if I am supposed to. I am still waiting on God to let me know. So for now if you ask what I am doing next year the answer will be, “probably something good.”
I moved into school early to work on freshmen orientation. It was so much fun. I love my group of freshmen a lot. They make me laugh and they assure me that Tabor will be in good hands when I graduate. (p.s. graduation is a frightening word)
I am beginning to get used to living in a house, but I still don’t know how it will really go until classes start. It will be difficult to get things done this year, simply because I have awesome friends who I want to hang out with ALL OF THE TIME!!!
Last night we went to Movie on the Lawn and watched National Treasury. It was a good movie, a little far fetched as Mike commented, but still entertaining. (It was a little too predictable and cheesy for me, but it was alright.) After movie on the lawn we went to the Prieb house to pray. It was good to come together to bless the year.
Thank you God for your mercies, your grace, and your everlasting love, that provide us with the ability to love each other.

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