Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lucy, I'm Home!

I just got back from my family trip to Indiana, minus my sister. We made the trip there in good time, only 12.5 hours. Compairing to our normal 14 hr this drive went quite fast. We decided to take my sister’s dog Kyonna along. She proved a good car dog and made many friends at the rest areas.
I got to see a lot of relatives that I haven’t seen in many years. It was fun to get to know them better. The funniest thing that happened was at the Anniversary party (my G-parents 50th) one of my great aunts thought that I was my mom and that my mom was me. She kept telling people that I was married to my dad and that my mom was the Grand daughter of Morris and Joan. It took her a while to figure it out. She even told my mom that she had grown, (which is not true of my mom, and it is not true of me because I haven’t grown in about seven years myself. Why is it that when you are tall everyone must say, “My you’ve grown” even if they just saw you last year and you aren’t an inch taller than you were before? Seriously what’s the deal with phrases like… “My you’ve grown,” “My you’re tall,” “Such a pretty tall Girl.” “Why aren’t you Dating?” “When are we going to get to go to your wedding?”) Wow, that went on for a while. Perhaps I should make it its own paragraph, nah, I kind of like the disorganized madness.
Anyway the other fun thing that happened to me…drum roll please………..I got to drive a new Corvet. It was beautiful, so smooth and sleek, ahhhhhh the memories. I can’t wait to get the pictures.
Well, those are the interesting things that happened to me in Indiana.
Live Long and Prosper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First may I say that I was honored to make your summer highlights. Second, thanks for commenting on the xanga - always an esteem booster. Anyways, I need to go back to school, plus I may have some very exciting news about where I'm going to live next year. It'll make AI parties even better. That is if someone isn't too busy being studious to come over and join. Hint, hint. Debbie and Justin are coming tomorrow, so my hope isn't lost, and I'm reassured that sometime I'll get to see Tabor friends again. And power to those over achieving, early packing, tall people. WE RULE!
-Peace out. From the Chlumskinator