Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Summer Highlights

Well, I don’t have much summer left. Sabrah comes home today for 3 days then I leave for Indiana on Friday and get back Wednesday. After that it is just a hop skip and jump till I get to move back in to school. I am kind of in a reflective mood at this point so I have decided to jot down my favorite parts of the summer, if only for my own enjoyment…so here they are in no particular order:

Going Roller Skating with the PV kids
Going to the lake with my small group
My birthday and hanging out with my family
Watching Charley and the Chocolate factory with mom and friends (and laughing really hard with my mom)
Learning to communicate with my deaf PV kid
Music Theater of W. (getting dressed up and getting to see such talented people, and getting to hang out there with Chris)
Going to W. with Emily and having Chris cook us dinner then seeing Princess and the Pea in formal dress
Doing a High Ropes Course at work training
Going to CCC softball games
Hanging out after the game and playing a variety of random games like Ha Ha, Hoowa, Spoons, and the Human knot, and afterward talking with a friend till 4am.
Shopping with my sister.
Playing my first “Feminine Fatal” roll in The Sound of Music
Going to Landon’s house and seeing all of my school friends while a tornado swept 21st
Organizing the storage room at PV (disgusting but fun laughing with friends)
Playing with my sister’s Puppy
The day that my small group had a fish fry, then swam, then had a Barbeque

Hopefully the list will go on after my time with Sabrah and my Indiana trip. I will add those later. I am sure there are others that I am forgetting, but that was a highlight reel, if you will, of my summer activities.

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