Sunday, October 02, 2005

My Wholesome Day

Yesterday was a wholesome day. I got up and worked out. (Then I passed the entire football team on my way back from the crc, I looked well…kind of like death warmed over) I went directly to Panda’s room to braid her hair. It looked great as usual. I went back to my house, got cleaned up, and cleaned our house. The basement had sustained a couple of weeks without a good cleaning, so we straightened, vacuumed and took care of business. It is so nice to have a clean place. After cleaning I ate lunch, pulled a little prank, and went to the game. After ¾ of the game, we could guess the outcome and were getting cold and wet so we decided to come back and get some work done. I did math while watching an old Elvis movie and then we went to eat. After supper we came back and watched the end of the Nebraska game. I like to watch Lucas watch football. He gets so excited and it feeds off to other people. I finished my math, or at least attempted to. Then we hung out, watched a new show on TV called Surface. (weird) And then were bored for a while. I wanted to make Cookies so we made some and Doc Chris and Amanda watched. I stuck a hot pad to Doc and he left it there for 30 or 40 min. Amy and I took cookies to Priebe and when we came home we were ambushed with fun-noodles. Amanda scared the living daylights out of me when she jumped out of the bathroom. After chasing each other around the house for a while, we went to the park and spun on the equipment and swung till we all felt sick from cookies and spinning. I Love being able to act like a kid.

1 comment:

"A work in progress," said...

Priebe does not have an e. Is it lame to edit your own blog in comments? Yes.