Monday, November 21, 2005

123456 switch

I am slowly going crazy. 123456 switch
Crazy going slowly am I. 654321 switch
I am slowly going crazy. 123456 switch
Crazy going slowly am I. 654321 switch
So this weekend I started loosing skin out from under my right hand thumb nail because of stress. Yah…Homework is not my favorite guy in the world. Hopefully it will heal soon, because I feel like a 4 year old with a band-aid on my thumb.
P.S. I hate my body’s natural responses. Why can’t something cool happen like the inability to sneeze, or the inability to eat, or the inability to see in color, or the inability to….

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

or the inability to have a bad hair day. (not saying you're having a bad hair day...uhh, you know what i mean)