Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I am a teacher

Today I felt like a music teacher for the first time in a long time. There have been times in my life when I have known that I chose the right major, but lately I have doubted my decision. Today was an affirmation that even though it may not be the only thing that I do, I love teaching. I got to direct the Tabor Choir (by direct, I mean I got to do the entire rehearsal), It was nerve racking, but I had so much fun. Then I went to the middle school and was the substitute teacher for sixth grade music. The kids were challenging because they are used to a loose classroom, but I had a great time with them as long as they were on task. They learn so quickly it amazes me.
Other than these thoughts, I have been pouring my time into our spring show, The Anatomy of Gray. It is a good show, and we are opening tomorrow. This full practice schedule has worn me out and surely kept me from posting. It has been a great time with great people. It has been so long since I have not been working on a show that I don’t remember what it is like. I know that as soon as it is done I will miss it though.
I am going to go do homework. Good Night!

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