Monday, March 26, 2007


Well, spring break is over. It was a good chance to see family, hang out with friends, and get practically nothing done.

I finished another application and sent it in. I also am going to another interview today. This one is in Salina.

I think I am going through Menopause. Last night I couldn't sleep because I had Hot Flashes all night long. I was a Furnace one moment and the next moment I felt normal. This is not supposed to be happening to someone who has only been on the earth less than 25 years. However it is confirming my theory about the legitimacy of the quarter life crisis. Amy and I are beginning to believe that some people experience quarter life crisis just as people do when they are at their midlife point. Is this true? I don't know. Is it possible? Most Likely.

On Saturday I was talking with my sister, and we were talking about how she used to run around with the neighborhood kids when she was younger. She said, "That was when I was in shape. You have to be in shape to run around with neighborhood kids because they never stop." I got to thinking about how true this statement is. When you are young and hanging around with the neighborhood gang, you have to be ready for anything at anytime. I think that this could become a theory about life, but it hasn't had the time to mull around in my brain long enough to actually become something.

1 comment:

none said...

jerry reed is a country singer. his song about divorcing his wife made me laugh, and then feel bad, and then laugh again. so there really wasn't much to get. just me being ord. or odd, or something.

the quarter life crisis is an interesting idea. i'd guess that every phase of life has its own crisises. err, crises. or something.

i don't really remember a lot, but i'm not sure being a kid was any easier than being a teenager was after that or being a post-adolescent 20-something paying-the-bills-and-doing-laudry-at-the-parents's-house pre-adult guy is right now. living 10 blocks from my parents is like a responsibility tight-rope with a safety even though i'm "out on my own" it doesn't feel quite like being a real adult yet. or something. i have to go back to work.