Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday feels like Monday

I am back at work. (my normal every day job) Yesterday I subbed for Lynn at the Junior High/High School. It went alright. It was an early morning. SNC starts at 7:30, and I have to be there before everyone so it means I need to be there at 7:10 ish. I know that the real world will soon make this a routine in my life, but I am trying not to think about it.

I was running an audition in the practice room, and I came out of the room to find 7 guys crowded around an I-book creating their very own R&B music. It wouldn't have been so bad, but they had hooked the computer up to the sound system in the room, and were blasting their creation for the world to hear out the open choir room door. They tell me all the time that they are too white to move while they sing in choir, but they write their own R&B (Ok it wasn't that good). (These guys need to stick to Frank, Barry, Michael, and the such. Strangers in the Night just works too well for them.)

This morning (Tuesday) feels like Monday. I gave a voice lesson at 7:30 (not easy to do). It is hard to change 15 years of breathing habits. After the lesson I came to work.

I am excited about Sharon's senior recital this evening. It should be amazing. I have said it before and I will say it again... That woman is the best accompanist I have ever had and will ever have!

That's all for now

1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

doo be doo be do...

do you remember those commercials?