Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Approach of Spring Break

I am shocked that next week is Spring Break. I don't know what to do with myself. I am going to miss going on Choir tour. I do not believe that a person has truly experienced life without the experience of traveling with 35-50 people in your age range on a buss for endless hours of I don't know what. There are key experiences that I remember about each of the trips' buss rides.

Freshmen year I remember Spying and recording observations of "Best Friends" and other upper classmen choir members.
I remember leaving traditional seat partner Becky, and she had to sit with Chris H. She has never let me forget this.

Sophomore year I remember the Mad Libs that Jodi and Laura did in a Chinese accent.
I am not positive, but I think that sophomore year was the year that EVERYONE brought a Guitar on choir tour. And EVERYONE played theirs on the buss. All at the same time. All different songs.
Sophomore year was also the year that Becky and I tried to sit with different people every time we stopped. People kept getting mad at us for moving around and taking their seats. (This statement is written with furrowed brow and protruding lower lip.)

Junior year I remember what it feels like to spend two 19 hour periods on a buss in two shots. This time is including but not limited to one very uncomfortable night on two buss seats and one more comfortable, but more interrupted night on the buss floor.
I also remember watching the Wal-Mart Baby movie with what's her face Judd. (This was not a good selection of film for choir tour)
I also remember Becky and I getting stuck in the seat with lights that did not work, and documenting our feelings about this with one of the worst pictures that I have ever taken.

Senior year I remember making Chris watch Napoleon Dynamite in its entirety while he just wanted to sleep. (This was not me being mean, this was me being....well....being me. At least I didn't make him watch anything else.)
I also remember the 30 lbs of puppy chow that Elise made for the trip.
I also remember getting back on the buss after going to the Mall of America and seeing Roman's face at a Green state after realizing that he just dropped a chunk of cash on a Nice leather coat.

There are plenty of other things that happened on the buss on choir tour. Some of which I would rather not talk about. All of this to say. It was real, It was fun, I don't know if it was Real Fun though.

To those of you departing on Saturday,
Love your neighbor, and make sure the vents and lights work in your seat.

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