Saturday, May 05, 2007

garage sales

This morning I woke up at 6:40. Why? you may ask, well because it is the season of garage sales! Chris, Em, Justin, Elise, and I got up at the butt crack of dawn to drive all over Hillsboro and seek out plunder from other people's discards. I am now the proud owner of a new jacket (from Old Navy with tags still on, never been worn) and the VHS Newsies. I also got an old antique door from a farmstead. With Christopher and hopefully his grandfather's help, I will be making this door into a fabulous coffee table. (It may be the longest coffee table on record) Chris got a chair straight out of the 70's. It is in Great shape and it has great aesthetic lines. I am proud to say that I spotted it first.

Now all that I need to do is figure out when My garage sale will be. My sister and I are working on getting it all together, but we hit a couple of snags. It may be farther into may than we originally planned. I have heard some people say that this means that I won't have it at all, but I intend to have one, I just don't know when.

All this to sum up the fact that I really want to know where I will be living next year so that I don't feel spread out so much. I am ready to plunge into teaching. I just wish that the rest of life would order itself.

"My shepheard will supply my need Jehova is His name."


Becky said...

actually, the title IS from an old waterdeep song. which reminds me, i miss having a friend to play old waterdeep songs w/on the guitar and djembe. will you PU-LEESE come and visit me some time this summer? we could have a sleepover... :)

Mrs. Buller said...

We can say "haver"!!! from 500 miles. i looked it up...
"Main Entry: ha·ver
Pronunciation: 'hA-v&r
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: origin unknown
chiefly British : to hem and haw"
from! huzzah!
we can hem and haw!

oh, and i want to see that door/table

thirdly, sixthly and lastly...yes, we must have a fine arts fest...but when?!!