Monday, June 04, 2007

The Yard Sale

So... It happened.
The yard sale that my sister has been trying to get me to do for the past two years happened. I went home last Thursday night to finish getting things ready. We priced organized and were ready on Friday morning to get going. Too bad Friday morning wasn't ready for us. It rained, then drizzled, then stopped. We put things out (after the pre-yard sale lurkers had already given up on us) and stayed open for a little while. Then it rained and we covered with tarps. It stopped raining for a little while longer, and then it started to pour. We had a mad rush getting things onto the porch, and then we were done for Friday.

Saturday the weather was amazing, but people knew that we were already open the day before and assumed that our things had been picked over. They didn't come. The good part of Saturday was that I got to hang out with Leanna, a childhood friend who I haven't talked to in about four years.

So, Out of all of the work that I put into the project. I made about $25. Yep, I started with 6 boxes of things, and I ended with five boxes left. It goes down in my book as a flop.

Sometime in the near future, I will be going to the Good Will with my mom. At least I will completely rid myself of the extra baggage of The Yard Sale.

I will say this. It was fun sitting around on Saturday morning and afternoon with Leanna and my family. We had chilly dogs for lunch, and enjoyed the beautiful day.

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