Friday, July 20, 2007

Not much

I am sure that I have a lot to say, but right now I don't really feel like talking about it right now.

I am with my family this week. It has been good. I haven't slept much. The first couple of nights because of a girl movie marathon. The no sleep the next couple of nights has been due to the fact that my sister has moved into my room and insists on keeping that TV on into the wee hours of the night. I have listened to more partial episodes of COPS than I have since my freshmen year of college.

I think I may go nap now. Or read. I only have 200 more pages left in my 840 page book.


1 comment:

Mrs. Buller said...

oh friend! i'm so sorry about the no sleep thing! i'd say i'd passed on the insomnia thing, but my schedules have been so crazy my sleep's been funky too. (that whole getting up at 4 thing kinda throws me off)

i might call you sometime soon so even if there's nothing to talk about we can talk for an hour and a half:)