Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oh the places you'll go

So every year at highschool graduation one of the english teachers reads a Dr Seuss book that reminds her of the graduating class. Seuss has a book called "Oh the places you'll go," I believe that he could have also written a book entitled "Oh the people you'll meet." I have been in my new town for a week now, and I believe that I have met more new people than have been new places.

There was the young boy at the D.A.V. who thought that they had forgotten to pay their electricity bill when they turned their lights out as the store closed.

Or the clerk at the D.A.V. who exclamed with her head bobbing like a valley girl, "I expect to see you back now that you know the HOT PLACE TO SHOP!" (punctuating each bold word with a jirk of the head)

There was the Drafting teacher who I met at my teachers meeting. He was nervous about working in such a large school. I (along with english teacher guy) assured him that because he can grow a five o' clock shadow by three that he will have no problem holding classroom authority.

There was the little asian woman at lap swimming who exclamed to me, "Is hot! You hot too? Here's what you need to do, just dip your head back. Dip it back, dip it, DIP IT BACK! Now you see. Much cooler, yes?"

So you see, Even though I am just in one new place, I have met a handfull of delightful people. I hope to get to lap swim with Asian woman again. She cracked me up.

Other than that I am just trying to get through the rest of this summer without getting too nervouse about the upcomming school year. Pray for me as you think of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That Asian woman sounds really funny! I can just hear her speaking. :)