Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Buss, the trip, the elesticacity

Today is Body Walk Day. All of our kids get to go over to the high school and go through a model of the human body. This is the first time that some of these kindergartners have ever ridden the buss. I could tell that it was on their minds pretty much because it was coming out of their mouths. That and the fact that some of this town lost power last night made it hard to begin class. As soon as class started I was assailed by loud clamoring of

"Miss Music, We get to go on a trip!" (I Know)
"We get to go on a field trip!!!" (Yes, I know)
"We get to ride the buss all the way to the high school!" (Wow!)
"Miss Music, Did you know that the power went out yesterday." (old news buddy)
"Miss Music...um...we hadda wear socks for the trip of the body." (Good for you)
"Miss Music, Last night my dad said... my dad said... dad... the lect..ele...ctric...elesticacity was broken." (I hope my elesticacity never gets broken.)

So after class when it was time to line up I said, "Ok kindergartners, time to quietly line up."

I was answered with, "Yah cause if we don't hurry we're gonna miss the buss!"
(This happened at 9:05 am, and the kindergartners were not supposed to load until 9:45. I am guessing that it was a long morning.)

I was also informed that one responsible kindergarten citizen offered their kind buss driver money for buss fare this morning. Oh the joys of being little.


Becky said...

yay for stories - they always make me laugh!!! i especially like the fact that they call you "miss music" too cute. it ALMOST makes me want to teach elementary school. :)

Mrs. Buller said...

oh hooray for kind-e-gartners.

umm, how are you going blogging-postal? you walked into a blogring and shot them all down with your witty remarks? you think i should go blog-postal?
hmmm, now that's an idea...