Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween is effecting my life

Just because it is Halloween does not mean that my students have to act like Monsters. I am going to have to bring in the reigns this afternoon, or my Munster-family-like children will send me to an early grave, and I am not talking about the kind of grave that is used for decoration this time of year.

I am not going down to third grade to read with them. Instead I am sitting in the comfort of my classroom which is silent right now, and listening to the hum of the fans that keep my room cool.

Please Lord, let this day go fast!

This weekend in review:
Friday night: Japanese food in W with the ladies
Friday Bunk: My parents guest room
Saturday Morning: Hanging with the fam
Saturday Lunch: With the fam getting ready to look at an apartment for sister and husband
Saturday Afternoon: Renting apartment
Saturday Evening: Hanging with Chris
Sunday morning/afternoon: Church, Chris, Baking pie, Cleaning out my car
Sunday night: Sophomore sit down, and pie with friends.

1 comment:

none said...

thanks, Jen.

i know most people can't understand what it's like to care about a sports team, so the analogy i usually use is that watching your team get kicked is about like watching your pet get kicked.

it's just not very much fun.

at least i get to write about tabor football today....