Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sorry computer can't upload video

Well, I had a great video to upload to my Blog. It would have been my first venture into such vast technology, and it also would have allowed me to show you what my fifth grade yahoos look like. (In Technicolor and Full Sound) But, alas, my computer will not acquiesce to my request.

So instead I will ask you to use your imagination....

(wavy screen sequence inserted here, and out of the waves you can see four fifth graders emerge)

In front of them is one xylophone. One or two of them are holding two mallets. They play a pattern, sometimes this pattern is indistinguishable, and some times it is easy to hear. As they play, another student reads a Haiku about fall and Halloween and two other students emphasize their words with rhythm instruments. At the end of the haiku they stare blankly into the camera and the video (with awesome effects) fades to the next four students.... and so on.... and so forth...

(Wavy image back to normal screen.)

I hope you enjoyed that short clip of my life for the past THREE WEEKS!!!

Yeah it took them three weeks to write a haiku, print it out so that they could read it, match it with an ostinato, add percussion, and film it.
Yeah, I am kind of complaining about the length of time this project took, but look on the bright side. Lesson plans were easy for a while!

Ta ta for now!

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