Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bad Luck

I have been playing card games all of my life. I usually do alright when I am playing partner games, but if I am on my own I can't ever wind. I have only beaten my sister at Monopoly one time EVER in my life, and it is not for lack of trying. I rarely beat Chris at anything, and I am thinking that I know why.

I have awful luck. I have never won anything except a canvas bag in Florida that says Magic Tree Resort. I guessed how many somethings were in a jar of something. (See how memorable it was.) But other than that, my name is never drawn, and I can't get a good hand dealt to me in cards.

It is not that my hand is always bad, but it is never best. I always wind up somewhere in the low middle of a group, last of two, and third of four. I need an upper for my luck. Last night my luck was so bad that I dropped an entire box of double 14 dominoes, and that was even before starting to play.

Get this, we weren't even playing dominoes, we were playing cards.

The only time I have ever won anything fare and square was when I was learning to play poker with a group of friends. I won almost all of the candy corns that we were betting with. Yet, even the victory of that was dampened by the fact that Shane bit off all of the white tips of my candy corns when I wasn't looking.

With each loss, my competitive spirit has been a little more broken, and now it doesn't even bother me to loose. Except when Christopher looks at me and laughs his blast off laugh, and then I get mad, and he tries to make up for it but it is all just too annoying. The whole thing ends with a punch to a stomach, and the words, "Just leave me alone you big dumb jerk."

And the night is over.

Gone, but not forgotten.

The end.

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