Friday, February 01, 2008

Need I say More?

So, I can not campaign any more for the links that I have on my blog. I believe in what these women and men are writing. If you need more proof that they are good writers who deserve a glance then just take a look at this little paragraph straight from the mouth of Big Mama!

"Well, y’all will probably be as relieved as I was to know that according to some “experts” on the internet, my eyelashes should grow back in six to eight weeks. In the meantime I will be walking around with a naked eye because false eyelashes aren’t really in the cards for me due to the fact that I have the manual dexterity of a monkey with oversized hands that has just finished a bottle of cheap tequila."

Her only fault is the frequent use of the word, "Y'all."

Also, check out Antique Mommy’s post Reaching for Angels. It is pretty awesome.

The only thing I have left to say is, Thank God It's Friday!

1 comment:

none said...

that is pretty hilarious