Friday, April 25, 2008


Will I ever be ready at the beginning of a school day. I don't know what else to do to fool proof this day, but I still feel like it could flop at any minute. I guess that there is only so much prep work that a teacher can do in order to feel ready. I think that it is an energy thing. I didn't sleep well last night and it is throwing me off. Especially since I have to work with a tough fifth grade today and they TOTALLY drained me yesterday.

Last night I was retching to Christopher about the fact that I have to work with a couple of kindergartners who do things just to see how much they get away with. The fact that they are the smartest two little boys in their class worries me. At home, they can do no wrong. Can their parents see their behavior? Do they realize that something is not connecting? Chris said, "Don't you know already what to expect from these boys?" I said, "Yes I do know what to expect from them, but it also helps me to blow off steam just to talk about how they make me crazy."

For instance: I asked the kindergartners "What do you do in the mornings when you get up" I called on many little girls and boys who couldn't wait to tell me that "I take a bath." "I brush my teeth" "I don't ever want to get up, and my mom turns the lights on and stomps on my floor"

And then little Red headed David pipes up. "I go to the store to buy dynamite to explode the dryer" (With a "what are you going to do about it lady?" look in his eyes.)

Well little red headed David... Time out of the group for you!

Chris said, "Aren't you supposed to let kids think outside the box."

Yah, Try being a teacher for a year and then tell me that.

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