Monday, April 28, 2008

Wii nerd?

Yesterday Mario Cart for Wii came out. We bought it. Oh yes, Wii did.

We made ourselves do all of our wedding homework, and then, we partied by playing Mario Cart. Let me tell you, it is so much easier with a steering wheel than it is to steer with a joystick. I am much better at it than at the original wii. I am not good with my thumbs, and this solves the problem. No joystick, no thumbs. TA DA!!!

I am doing Jazz lessons with all of my students this week. I was going to do Jazz lessons last week, but I was deathly ill and wanted to die. I still want to cough up a lung, but all in all, this is better than having my throat swollen shut. Trying to look on the bright side here.

Speaking of bright side, I may not be counting down to my wedding, but I just decided to count down to the end of school. There are.... (pause for me to look at calendar) 18 days left total. WOW!!!!

Have I really been teaching for a year. Did I really fake it so that people thought I knew what I was doing for an entire year?

'Guess so.

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