Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Play day... wow. Jump Jump Jump!

It is the last day of school. I have to go teach my morning classes. I am excited and in a weird mood all at the same time. It doesn't feel like it should be the end, but then again it is just the beginning of another end. So anyway.

I wish that I could have had more time to write over the past couple of days. We had play day yesterday. I was the leader of team six. The kids did amazingly well. My group had little to no problems and my fifth grade leaders were AWESOME. We decided that team six jumps. When people asked us why we jump, we just said, "we don't know, we just jump." Kids love a gimmick. We did jumping celebrations throughout the day.

I was also glad that I took the time and the money to make bandanna ties for each of the kids in team six. The group was split into teams of four and these teams were categorized by color. I had 24 little Rambo head bandanna head clad youths following me around all day. It was truly something to jump about.

I am not having a jumping celebration for the farmers tan that I got yesterday. No body told me that it was going to be 91 degrees and all sunny. Not that I didn't enjoy my favorite kind of weather, I just wish that I would have sun screened my face and arms. Hey, it could be worse; I could be burnt.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Yay play day! We had water day - it was fun. Congrats on ending the school year! 6 more days here! :)