Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Survival of the fitist, so fit up for Christmas Shopping

In this good holiday season, I find that I need to be more fit in my survival skills.
I have been practicing for multiple concerts, in which I will be both conducting and singing. I am also working on getting Christmas Shopping out of the way. I love Christmas shopping though. I like getting gifts for people in anticipation of them opening them. It is just fun...

Though dealing with the stores is a bit of a challenge. What is it about Christmas that makes shoppers more tense and pressured? I like making Christmas decisions about what to get. But as I pass other people with husband or child hanging on them, their brow furrowed, their lips tight, and their child whining, I know that they are not enjoying their Christmas shopping.

Anyway... Here are some survival skills that I have picked up.

Shop when others are not shopping. The only good time to go to Walmart is in the middle of the night. The crowd may be a little more sketchy then, but at least you can walk through the isles without bumping 17 old ladies and smashing the toes of at least 2 four year olds.

Shop the smaller towns and stores. From experience all that stuff that was door buster sale on Friday morning was still in stock on Sunday afternoon when we Christmas shopped in little town USA. Got the deals, got to sleep, did not get trampled or shot.

Keep all of the receipts together. Fortunately I shopped at a little swanky dress shop first and got this nifty little receipt envelop for what I bought. I have just been dumping receipts from all purchases back into that envelop. That way... When Father calls to tell us that he just purchased for sister what we had purchased for sister yesterday... We can take it back without much trouble.

Keep all of the gifts together. This saves on the... "Where did I put that one thing that I got last season that I wanted to give to so and so next Christmas?" situation. It also makes wrapping easier as you can judge your modes of wrap while looking at all of your gifts.

Buy wrapping paper that is GENERIC!!! I got some after Christmas last year that I have used for ... two weddings... a birthday... fathers day... and will use again for this Christmas. And always buy it after Christmas... And do not leave it in your trunk that leaks, because wet wrapping paper has no where to go but into the trash.

Dedicate one room in your house to the storage of gifts and wrap so that it does not take over the rest of your house.

Put wrapped presents under the Tree. It makes the room look like you took the time to decorate more... I just love killing two decorating birds with one stone.

And that is all that I can think of right now... I will let you know if I come up with any more great ideas. Or... You could post them as comments so that the 10 people who actually read this blog can get ideas as well.

Much love to you during your shopping days... Or your hide from the world days... whatever runs your motor.


none said...

i shopped yesterday, unsuccessfully.

WV = buggle.

Amanda said...

:) 3 years ago I wrapped empty boxes with very pretty wrapping paper and ribbon that match my christmas tree ornaments...And I just store them with my christmas decorations! Curtis thinks it's silly, but otherwise it looks empty and sad!