Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Isn’t it wonderful what a morning that feels like spring can do for you? This morning truly felt like spring. It was fresh… there was dew… there were birds singing… the sun was shooting beautiful rays over the horizon behind the school building. Ahhhh….
It may also feel like spring because I have all of the fans in my classroom on full blast. I have clean linen air freshener swirling around, and my door is propped open. This may seem like a freshness blast, but let me assure you that it is necessary. You see I am getting ready to do a stomp/blue man group HUGE ordeal with my fifth graders, and I have had the lunch ladies at all of the schools collecting buckets for me. Well… the good news is that the buckets are great big pretty green buckets, and I am getting them for free. Bad news is that they are the buckets that the pickles come in. So… my classroom smells like pickles. A LOT. Thirteen five-gallon buckets of pickles a lot.
I keep telling myself that it is worth it. I don’t mind the smell… The kids aren’t so hot on it though. They keep asking me, “Mrs. Music, why does your room smell like salad?”


none said...


wv: tyllo

a greeting in the language of the nation of Dill?

Anonymous said...

Try putting dryer sheets in each or better yet, sprinkle baking soda in them. Just an idea :)

"A work in progress," said...

Yah... I have been spraying them with Lysol at 2 hour intervals with no avail.

I thought about the baking soda thing... would it have to be wet, or could it be dry?

Anonymous said...

pops says

"you always were a little'dilly'"
love pops