Saturday, February 26, 2005

what would you be?

If you were an animal what would you be? Honestly, think about it and tell me. It is interesting for me. I am pretty sure that I would be a golden retriever, or perhaps a bearded collie. I can’t really tell you why, but those are just about right. Or perhaps, and don’t think that this is too cheesy; it might be a dolphin just because I love the water.
If you were a kitchen appliance what would you be? This is one that stumps people. I am thinking that I am going to go on the lines of a warm appliance, mostly because I hate the cold. Not a toaster, because you can burn things so easily in them, and it takes me a while to truly warm up to people. Maybe more of a teakettle. It is kind of old fashioned, and timeless at the same time. It is also used for comfort or medicinal purposes.
If you were an object out of doors what would you be? I think I will leave this one up to you. Perhaps I will answer this down the line, though I am leaning towards a sprinkler or a porch swing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

animal: bear; appliance: blender; outside: lamp post.