Saturday, April 30, 2005

I didn’t know that tenors could drool that much

The moral of the story is to never begin a Wolf opera without some sort of caffeine source. Let me tell you the story. Yesterday I innocently sat down to do some of my Music history Listening List. I have to watch a variety of operas for our 19th century opera section. I watched Turnadot a couple of days prior to Friday and I enjoyed it even though some of the lines lacked creative genius. The music was wonderful and the tenor-though cumbersome – had an amazing voice. So anyway, on to Wolf (the German Composer, and not the animal). I had to watch Tristan and Isolde; I thought to myself how long can one soprano sing? Well, the answer was clear as glass on the back of the DVD box. “Running time 244 min.” Yah, one soprano, one mezzo, a tenor, two basses, and four hours of intense pretty much no plot progression OPERA!!! I sat down at 6:30 determined to make it to the improve session at 10:30. Yah, I watched the entire cursed thing straight through no break, not even for the bathroom. Talk about your exhaustive past times. I resorted to 3 squares of cookie dough to soften the pain. Caffeine of some sort would have been a better idea. It was a good thing that the night was not over lest I would have dreamed of the tenor - who slobbered profusely when singing high – in his long black dress.
The improv of Mind Your Head was the perfect end to my laborious diversion of the afternoon/evening. I ended my night with a night of companionship which I haven’t enjoyed the likes of in about a month now. This semester has made me miss my friends, and they are all still around, (Curse you all you professors who have made this semester a social nothing on the social ness scale!)

No song, instead I am in Wichita getting ready to eat Sushi for the first time. I will let you know how it goes.

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