Friday, May 13, 2005

Torrential rain spreads wide in Kansas

Thursday night, May 12, three college students were spotted in strange activity on the campus grounds. There were reports of loud screaming/yelling that disturbed the residence nearby. Some of these neighbors came by to stare at the students in their quote, “foolish” display of frivolity. One stunned passerby stated, “I didn’t understand what all of the ruckus was about. They were spinning, running, whooping, and hollering right there in the pouring rain. Then, all of the sudden, they started dumping each other in the mud, and even dumping themselves in the mud. It was just sad I tell you. They were plain lucky they didn’t get hit by the lightning.”
The incident began when the female member of the party dropped by to say sorry that she had missed the others in their visit, and then the rain came…
Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. The girl maintained some minor shoulder stiffness, and one man suffered serious grass stains. The girl is expected to have swift recovery, but sadly all of the clothes involved in the situation are in questionable condition.


Anonymous said...

hahaha... that's hilarious. what a bunch of dorks...

Anonymous said...

somehow it all seems so familiar...
-the chlumskinator