Friday, March 16, 2007

God is in Control

Today I am going to audition for a position as Graduate TA at WSU. I am nervous, I just need to get in there and start. My audition is at 1:50. I would love to get the job. If I don't get it, I will teach next year and make money for a change.

I really want my Masters. I really want to be an amazing conductor. I am not yet, but this would help get me there.

God is in control. He knows where He wants me. He will get me there as long as I follow Him.

That's all...


none said...

sadness about your car. sadderness about stl. but no amount of sadernity would outweigh the coolty of getting that sweet job.

Mrs. Buller said...

hooray for being linked'ed!! hooray for endeavoring to enjoy the middle of kansas and find the hidden joys during spring break!