Saturday, April 21, 2007

Desolate Hillsboro

Well, Here I sit. Not at the Library where I normally post, but in Justin and Elise's house. They (along with many other Tabor students) are on Band Tour and currently are traveling from Denver CO to Utah. I am Cat sitting for them. Simba is a good cat, but last night after I let her into the house she lost her collar and now I don't know if I should let her roam around outside without one on.... The dilemma of not knowing anything about the cat/collar relationship is much more troubling than I had expected.

Since Chris and Justin were gone, and Amy is out of town, last night I filled my empty afternoon and evening with 6 and 1/2 episodes of Gilmore Girls. I watched the first six episodes. Three of which I have not seen. I plan on continuing this faithful watching now so that Chris does not have to endure it while he is in the same state with me.

It is windy. There is a stiff south wind that I will have to ride my bike into on my way back to my house. It made getting here much too easy so I guess that I will have to pay my dues to the ever-blowing Kansas wind.

Today, I plan on spending the day in cooking Lab with Charles R. He is a wonderful cook, and is going to teach me some of the secrets of the trade. I am truly excited especially for the chocolate cake. The whole ordeal starts at 2 and will wind up around 6. I will let you know the outcome of my cooking experience.


Becky said...

wow...6.5 gilmore girls episodes is quite impressive. i think my max. is 4 or 5 - and i probably slept through 2 of them.

none said...

cat sitting is fun.