Friday, May 25, 2007

Life Lessons

Recently I have learned some life lessons that I thought I would share...

1. Communication in all relationships is essential to the health of the relationship.

2. Never assume that you understand a person, even if you have known them all of their life.

3. Always take time to concentrate on the people who you love. (This means that you can not be distracted while you are taking this time. If there are distractions, remove them.)

4. It is better to stop talking about your worries and start praying about them.

5. Only God can truly change a person.

Beyond these things... Here are some life lessons that I am glad to share, but I do not know how applicable they will be to the general public.

1. If you choose to dress like a pirate and go out into public and smile at people you meet, do not expect them to smile back.

2. If you try to kick someone in the butt and actually miss and kick some one else (who you have never spoken to) in the butt, do not apologize immediately. Wait until the person has had time to process the incident and then admit to what you were trying to do and apologize profusely.

3. If you are going to be spending any length of time in Park City, make sure you Learn Spanish.

4. Sometimes you just need to blow off steam. If this means cramming 5 people into a TINY car and screaming "Move Along" while driving down busy city streets, then so be it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On the serious side, I have #4 sitting on my desk to serve as a constant reminder! On the humorous side of things, please, please tell me you did NOT kick a stranger in the butt while dressed as a pirate singing "move along" in spanish!