Monday, July 30, 2007

My New Neighbors: For ages 16 and older

Sometimes there are things that I would like to write on this blog, but I choose not to write them because of the adult nature of the subject matter. I don't know who reads this, but I certainly want to keep it to G rated material.

Yet, sometimes life gives us Neighbors who bring incidents that are not G rated into our lives. This was my case last week. The entire situation brought me to tears in laughter.

So, I will for one post diverge from my normal G ratedness.

I recently moved into my first apartment complex. It is not a large complex, and it is in a nice part of town. My neighbors are not frightening in the least. For the most part they are quiet and respectful of the other occupants.

Except for my upstairs neighbor who takes a shower every night at 1:00 a.m. or later, and insists on throwing up loudly on Monday mornings for at least an hour. The first time I heard it, I kind of wanted to call 911 because it sounded like he was DYING. At least now I know the full effects of a full weekend hangover.

Here is the part of the story when apartment life truly turned over a new leaf.

New Roommate and I were enjoying a nice Italian Chicken meal when we heard a knock at the door "knock,knock,knock." We immediately thought, "No one knocks on our door, It must be the neighbor's door. A short time later and there was another, "knock knock knock." we got up an answered the door and it was our neighbor. She had come by to see if we wanted her business cards. She told us that she does slumber parties. We excitedly answered "Slumber parties, that's fun." (thinking cookies, and movies, and late night girl talk) Little did we know that "Slumber Parties" is a company that sells bedroom unmentionables, edible body butters, and other adult toys. "Gasp" Our neighbor sells sex toys, and we said "Slumber parties, that's fun!"

On the up side of things, we invited her in and she stayed while we made and ate cheese cake. We talked about a lot of things and were open about our faith, our relationships, our views on drinking and other serious issues. At the end of the evening she asked us if we wanted to go walking some time. I was so glad that she was still comfortable around us after we had shared so openly. Hopefully we will keep getting chances to share our lives with her.

One thing that New Roommate and I are nervous about is the fact that someday our neighbor will want to give a slumber party hosted by us. We decided that we would have to make it the first ever three person "Slumber Parties" party, and hope that she won't mind that we don't buy anything.


Mrs. Buller said...

GASP! you posted it! and good job too. i think it bumped it up to a PG rating. unless the word sex makes it PG-13? all in all, it's still hilarious, although not quite as funny as it was on the phone:)

Anonymous said...

A lady at the place I work part time started soliciting business for the same kind of thing AT WORK. The funny thing is, she only asked certain people if they were interested. Those people were understandably offended!

That's great that you have started forming a relationship with this woman. If she ever asks you to host a party, I would just continue to be open with her about why you are uncomfortable with that.

Anonymous said...

Oh my...I can only imagine the look on your faces when you realized what she was into! There's a gal at work that is VERY much into her wedding plans...including her bridal showers. And of course she believes that everyone else is VERY much into her wedding, bridal showers, etc. At our last birthday social hour she proceeded to tell EVERYONE in the kitchen about her kinky shower....slowly one by one people started leaving the kitchen and soon is was my just VP (who just had kid #5) and her! yikes! awkkkkkwwward!! Kudos for the open relationship--I hope you and Jill can continue talking with her!