Sunday, August 12, 2007

57 hours

Last week I worked 57 hours in my classroom. I am still tired.


The kids come tomorrow. I am nervous. I am in Mac town with my family for my mother's birthday. I don't want to go back up north to work because of my nerves. Da' Gum...

I know that once I start, It will be better, but man... If it doesn't start I might run scared.

Here are some interesting facts about starting my job.
1. I will be on evaluation for the next three years.
2. It will take three years to become a tenured teacher.
3. It will take two years to get my complete teaching certification.
4. It will take me a lifetime of teaching to actually reach the best I will ever be, and then I will retire because the life of a teacher is constant improvement.
5. Changing school districts is a pain in the butt.

Although these things sound discouraging, It is all part of the great governmental plot to try to inspire teachers to be lifetime learners. I believe that they have some of their screws loose.


Unknown said...

You can do it, Jen. Just by virtue of your list proves you are a fantastic teacher. So go into that classroom, create an atmosphere of learning that is unparalleled and have a blast!

Unknown said...

By the way, I found your blog because of a shared interest in the movie "White Christmas"

Becky said...

school starts tomorrow for me as well. however, i'm not nervous, because actually having kids in my classroom seems surreal to me. anyways, i'm sure i'll get some butterflies when i go to bed tonight.

don't be too worried - i know you'll be great! besides, you're a good actress - and that's all you need really need. you act like you know what you're doing until you actually DO know what you're doing - and the kids will never know the difference. :)

well, i'll be thinking of you tomorrow! enjoy yourself and all the kids before they start to get on your nerves! ;)