Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'll Eat My Hat

Wasn't Labor Day weekend wonderful. I have a seriously large appreciation for the long weekend that I just had. I think that people who do not get to have labor day weekend should be paid double for their efforts, because really, EVERYONE should have a labor day.

So, as part of labor day weekend, Chris and I traveled back to the burro to help with music in church. We felt so at home back at our church, that it was almost too good for us. It reminded us of how much we miss the burro and the people who we. We even missed the goofy parts of church like the Hour long announcements, the awkward moments created by the children's story, and that one person who sings loudly off key. (come on now, Every church has one.) This Sunday the hour long announcements were welcomed by our ears, the awkward moments in the children's story were hilarious, and the one person who sings loudly off key was oddly comforting.

And now I have to eat my hat for missing the burro. The little town that rolls up the sidewalks at 5:00 on main street and 8:00 at the grocery store has gotten under my skin.

I keep having to remind myself that I will begin to feel at home here up north. I like my job, even though it is hard, and I like the people whom I have met. Change is a process, and I have to learn how to go through the process.

My one good Kid story of today. I was asking my kids what George Gershwin was, and I was pointing at the word Pianist on the bulletin board. I made the P sound and one first grade child earnestly raised her hand and said. "George Gershwin was a Poser?" "no" I said, "He was a pianist and a composer" Poor George, He couldn't even defend himself.

1 comment:

Becky said...

hehehe...a poster. that's good.