Friday, October 10, 2008

In celebration of the lower gas prices...

Thump thump thump thump
Thump thump thump thump
Dun da dun dun dun dunnnnn dunnnnn
Dun da dun dun dun dun da da dunnnnn
Chick chick chick chick
chick chick chick chick
chick chick chick chick
chick chick chick chick Waaaaahhhh
I'm goin to Wichita...
Far from this opera forever more!
I'm gonna work the straw
Let the sweat drip out of every pore...

but seriously I am going to Wichita. So if you read this some time today, Friday, the 10th, and you are in Wichita, I might just see you.

Got Coffee? Saturday night. Be there or be square.

it's where all the attractive people go.

P.S. did you watch The Office last night? Did you or did you not think to yourself....

"I steal from my job all the time, (like right now)"
or perhaps.... "How can Angela do that? She has such double standards." ...
and finally..."I never want a steak ever again."

1 comment:

none said...

1) i like that song.
2) i must not be attractive.
3) i watched only enough Office to not want steak ever again.
4) i like that song.
5) i like that song.