Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Town Hates Us

This weekend we were invited to the young marrieds group pumpkin patch outing at our church. The young marrieds group is pretty active, and husband and I have been wanting to attend. We have not made it to anything on Sunday mornings because of Choir and other church commitments.

We were supposed to all meat at church at 6:45 to carpool to the pumpkin patch. Husband and I pulled in at 6:46. No one was there... Well I shouldn't say no one. Pastor M. was there. He sheepishly explained to us that we were the only ones who had showed up. He also told us that he couldn't understand why they didn't have a bigger crowd. Last time they all got together there were 36 people who attended.

I assured him it was because We had decided to come. All of our efforts for socialization have now been flushed. We are externally inflicted hermits.

Not My Style!

1 comment:

none said...


not really, but....

also, i'm glad that the number of people who showed up before was an even number. just sayin' it sounds like a group that would be awkward to attend as either a single or a trio.

final thought: the little word verification box that usually asks me to type some twisty gibberish actually is asking for an almost real word this time--behold, the oracle! it says "unquits" which, as random advice from computers goes sounds pretty reasonable.

so, unquits!